Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (GTC) – General Parking Regulations

  1. General Provisions, Subject of the Contract

1.1. The use of a parking space for vehicles is only possible after a usage contract is established between the Visitor/Tenant (hereinafter jointly referred to as the lessee) and the parking operator (hereinafter referred to as the lessor).

1.2. The contract for the use of the parking space is concluded: a.) by parking the vehicle in the parking space, even for a short period, or b.) by signing a rental agreement for a long-term parking space and occupying the designated space.

1.3. Upon concluding the contract, the lessee accepts the rules outlined in these parking regulations and commits to complying with them. The lessee also gains the right to: a.) park in any free parking space not reserved for tenants (for Visitors), or b.) park in the space specified in the contract (for Tenants).

1.4. By entering into the contract, the lessor is only obliged to provide the parking space in a usable condition. 1.5. Vehicles carrying flammable cargo or vehicles powered by gas are prohibited from parking. 1.6. Vehicles without a license plate may only park in the parking area with prior agreement from the lessor.

  1. Parking Operator, Address, Operating Hours, Use of the Premises

2.1. The parking operator is Star Park Hungary Kft. (3211 Gyöngyösoroszi, Petőfi Sándor út 72. Tax ID: 23817474-2-10).

2.2. The parking operates temporarily during the Sziget Festival at the following address: Auchan 1033 Budapest, Szentendrei str 115. Coordinates: 47.559064, 19.048462.

  1. Behavioral Rules in the Parking Area

3.1. The lessee is obliged to follow road traffic regulations within the parking area and must observe traffic signs, signals, and markings on the road surface.

3.2. Vehicles may only be parked in designated parking spaces.

3.3. It is prohibited to block or obstruct access roads, connecting paths, pedestrian walkways, exits, emergency routes, or fire department access points with parked vehicles or other objects.

3.4. In case of violation of traffic rules within the parking area, the lessee must pay a procedural fee of 15 Euro. In addition to this amount, compensation claims may be made for any damages caused by the violation of traffic and parking regulations. The lessee is liable for any damage caused to third parties and any damage to the parking facilities, equipment, or property belonging to the parking company.

3.5. The parking staff will document any extraordinary incidents, which will be made available to the relevant authorities.

3.6. The lessee must comply with the instructions of the lessor, operating staff, and security personnel regarding the use of the parking area.

3.7. After parking, the vehicle must be properly locked, and the parking area must be vacated. Running the engine for an extended period is prohibited. Maintenance, cleaning, and repair work may only be carried out by the authorized staff of the lessor.

3.8. Smoking and the use of open flames are prohibited throughout the parking area. In case of fire, all persons not involved in firefighting must evacuate the parking area immediately.

3.9. Any damage caused by the lessee to the parking facilities must be reported immediately to the lessor. The lessee is responsible for covering the costs of cleaning any pollution caused by the lessee in the parking area.

  1. Liability

4.1. The vehicle parking area is an unattended parking lot. The lessor is not obligated to supervise, guard, or protect vehicles or any objects in/on them. Therefore, the staff and security personnel of the parking operator are not responsible for guarding parked vehicles.

4.2. The parking area is not heated.

4.3. The lessor is only liable for damages caused intentionally or negligently by the lessor, its staff, or auxiliary personnel, for whom the lessor is legally responsible.

4.4. The lessor is not liable for damages caused by third parties. Damages resulting from theft must be reported to the relevant police department by the lessee. The lessor precludes all liability in this regard.

4.5. The lessor is not responsible for damages caused directly or indirectly by force majeure (e.g., war events, fire, explosion, equipment failure, strikes, riots, etc.).

  1. Prices and Payment

5.1. The current parking fees are displayed in the parking area. Requests for VAT invoices must be made in advance.

5.2. Exit from the parking area is only permitted after paying the parking fee or with a valid parking card. If the lessee leaves the garage without paying the parking fee, the lessor may demand payment equivalent to three days’ parking fees, unless the lessee can conclusively prove a shorter parking period. Additionally, the lessor may enforce the claims specified in section 6.2 for violating parking rules.

5.3. If the vehicle occupies two or more parking spaces, additional fees will be charged accordingly.

5.4. The termination period for a parking rental is 30 days.

  1. Deposit, Compensation Costs, Security

6.1. In case of losing the parking ticket, the lessee must present an ID and sign a report. If the longer parking period cannot be proven, the lessee must deposit an amount equivalent to three days’ parking fees as security. If the lost ticket is found within seven days, any overpaid amount will be refunded. After the seventh day, the deposited amount becomes the property of the lessor.

6.2. In case of a violation of parking rules—especially for parking without a license plate or leaving without paying the parking fee—the lessor may demand a penalty of HUF 20,000. Additionally, the lessor may require reimbursement for all expenses related to the violation, such as police investigations, staff employment, repair work, legal fees, etc.

6.3. The contracting parties agree that claims related to this contract may be satisfied by the lessor, as a pledgee, on the vehicle or its contents based on a contractual pledge. This pledge is established by receiving the parking ticket, signing the parking rental agreement, and complying with the Parking Regulations. The pledgee may sell the pledged item or transfer it to an auctioneer if the lessee fails to fulfill payment obligations. The lessor is obliged to account to the lessee for the remaining amount after satisfying its claims.

  1. Validity Period, Vehicle Removal

7.1. Unless otherwise agreed, the maximum parking duration is four weeks.

7.2. The lessor is entitled to remove the vehicle from the garage at the lessee’s risk and expense and place it in an unpaid traffic area if:

  1. the vehicle has no license plate,
  2. the vehicle is leaking fuel or other liquids, emitting smoke, or has other faults that endanger or obstruct garage operations,
  3. the vehicle is improperly parked, obstructing traffic, or parked in a reserved space.

7.3. The lessor may exercise the right to pledge the vehicle, as stipulated in section 6.3, if:

  1. the maximum parking duration is exceeded by three times, and prior written notice to the lessee or the owner of the vehicle registration has been ineffective.

7.4. After the maximum parking duration, the lessor is entitled to relocate the vehicle within the garage at the lessee’s expense and secure it in a manner that prevents the lessee from driving out without the lessor’s or its staff’s assistance.

7.5. The lessor is entitled to parking fees up to the time the vehicle is removed from the garage.

  1. Place of Performance, Jurisdiction

8.1. The place of performance of the contract is the parking address specified in the contract/online application where the short-term parking ticket/season ticket was obtained.

8.2. The parties agree to strive for an amicable resolution of any disputes arising from this contract, including mediation. Otherwise, they accept the decision of the competent court according to the Civil Code.

  1. In the case of online rental requests or entry into the parking area, the lessee accepts all points of the GTC.

The lessor reserves the right to amend these parking regulations.

Budapest, June 5, 2024 Star Park Hungary Kft.

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